#1000wordsofsummer [pre-launch]

Hello peeps,

#1000wordsofsummer is upon us. (The wonderful writing challenge created by Jami Attenberg, this will be year 6). The assignment is for the next 2 weeks, write 1,000 words a day.

I participated for a few days on the last go around, so I’m committed to do a little more this time. I’m going to try and be so dedicated to getting words on this screen. I have a story that’s been yearning to be written since last August. I get distracted so damn easily.

This stint runs from June 17-30. I have a single story idea I’m going to dedicate the full 1,000 words to each day. Last time I attempted to split them between journaling and writing. This worked really well for a few days until motivation for writing hit zero and my depression made journaling feel worthless. The challenge slowly descended into me trying to journal 1,000 words about the struggle of journaling 1,000 words.

Grinding a sentence out. Check word count. Grind another one. Check word count. Edit a sentence. Word count.

I don’t need 14,000 words of all that mess. Oof, to see the number put together like that. I could have that many words written on this freaking story if I’d focus on the task.

So, just writing this time. I’ll let myself use this blog as a little booster though. If I really can’t reach the full word count for the day, I’ll round-up if I made a post that day. But I won’t count past 1,000 unless it’s strictly from writing. Rules equal productivity, right?

This post may or may not be a practice run, anyway. (Is it appropriate to add emojis into blog posts nowadays?)

Shortcuts can also help productivity, I’m being reminded. I recently figured out how to add bookmarks in Google docs. I just hadn’t even thought about it as an option. Now I can write for pages and pages and not feel overwhelmed. It’s hard for me to stare at an unorganized mass that I can’t easily navigate. My spreadsheets are immaculate.

I just need to keep working on my system until I find what works for me. Don’t give up because my anxiety has peaked. I can find a way to make it work. (The phrase in itself is a trigger, but that’s for a different post). Maybe work Scrivener into the next paycheck.

Here’s to getting the words on the page.



Well, I failed the #1000wordsofsummer [pre-launch]